Monday, December 28, 2009

wave and smile: an emotional intelligence

a very interesting note came in from my favorite writer dee in her writing Luna bukan kopaja, about human addiction for other's pain.especially those that we thought having everything, you name it beauty, money, fabulous life. apparently that's how my mum ends up watching all that infotainment crap. Sorry, my tv is only a furniture that complete my room. Rather than watching tv, I prefer watching my mirror, really fulfilling my narcissus-complex-as-you-called-it so.
But what dee wrote is so true, you can never please everyone and yourself at the same time, you'll die trying. To all silly gossips and my surrounding assumptions about me, i rather wave and smile

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Kampung Cafe - Ubud

with puspa, ika, ramon, yana, yola n fam and ratih fam

Sunday, December 20, 2009

hold on until it's over

..have you ever walked in daylight and caught in blindness to see anything...or being around the happiest crowd and all you wanna do is to take one...only one deep breath....?
...geez... i'm reach you out...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Midnite Sale

Oh please take me back to the mall tonite, gotta pick my babies; they are so lonely there ;)

A New Perspective

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tie the Knot

Shouldn't there be a more magnificent reason I could think of rather than 'it's time'. Something like passionate love, the world is spinning when he is around, whatever...that is better than 'it's time to tie the knot'.

But I have none of that, I have no more cannot-live-without-you kind of love. All I have is willingness to be a part of one's life as he would too, witness each other's moments and grow together to be better.